100 Days Project

So, I signed up to the 100 Days Project. Not sure why really, it just appealed to me. But I have committed and I will endeavour to complete it.  Unfortunately, it hasn’t started well and I am already behind!!
My creative challenge is, as stated on the website “Keeping it simple, but challenging myself. I love taking photos and already have a ‘photoaday’ challenge so I want to do something different but related and to develop my skills. So, I am going to constrain my photo-taking to a particular focus – I will take a photo each day or create a drawing and photograph it connected to the Māori kupu o rā and I will also try to put the kupu into a sentence.”
It is Day 7 and I have just uploaded Days 1 – 6.  I haven’t managed a sentence yet for each image but will hopefully get better. I am also unsure if the sentences I have done are correct!  As I get feedback from friends and colleagues I may have to edit my contributions if that is possible!